Friday 20 September 2013

Autumn morning at Renishaw Hall

September mornings in the gardens can be beautiful and today certainly was. As I wandered around taking photos trying to capture the moment I only wish you could capture the sparkling dew on the lawns, the fresh crisp autumn air and the sounds as the garden comes to life for the day!

It's the second to last tours of the season today and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays on our side.

I never know what the day is going to bring when I arrive here in the morning. On Wednesday I enjoyed an unexpected walk to the end of the drive to help a nervous coach driver ( driving a very shiny new coach) turn into the drive and bring his party safely to the hall. We were also able to help a couple who were on holiday in the area and hadn't realised the hall wasn't open except on  Fridays tours. The NHS Retirement Fellowship very kindly agreed to let the couple join their private tour.

Later this afternoon I will be visiting Eckington church where Eckington Heritage Day is being set up. With the help of the archivist I have a display about Renishaw Hall to add to the event.

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